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Faith Community Nurses

A faith community nurse is a registered nurse who facilitates the “wholistic” health of a congregation. It is often called a “healing ministry.” The faith community nurse focuses on the spiritual, emotional, and physical dimensions of persons as they strive to achieve wellness and to manage their illness. The faith community nurse functions as a health educator, a health counselor, a referral agent, an advocate, and an integrator of spirituality and health. 
Faith Community Nursing is the newest recognized specialty practice by the American Nurses Association. 
The scope and standards for Faith Community Nursing includes seven roles:
1. Health promotion and education
2. Health counseling
3. Referral sources
4. Volunteer coordinator
5. Support group developer
6. Advocacy
7. Integrator of faith and health

The roles of the faith community nurses vary. Some congregations have paid nurses on staff, others have nurses that volunteer their time as needed. Some organize health fairs and support groups, others serve as a consultants as needs arise. The nursing role can be as intensive as the nurse and/or the congregation desires it to be.