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Nuclear Pharmacists Radiopharmacists

Nuclear pharmacists, also called radiopharmacists, prepare and dispense radioactive drugs often used in chemotherapeutic treatments for cancer. They must be careful, precise workers because they work with hazardous materials. To reduce exposure to radiation, nuclear pharmacists usually work behind leadglass shields. They wear gloves and handle the materials with special equipment that reduces radiation exposure.
Nuclear pharmacists dities:
-order, receive, and control inventory of radioactive drugs
-perform functional checks of instruments, equipment, and devices
-determine radiopharmaceutical quality and purity.
-label containers into which they will place the mixed doses
-compound the doses as ordered in the prescriptions
-package, label radiopharmaceuticals
-educate physicians, nurses, and other related staff about the importance in handling the radiopharmaceuticals to ensure that guidelines are followed.

Nuclear pharmacists salary:
On average, nuclear pharmacists earn a higher salary than traditional areas of pharmacy practice.Earnings ranged between a high of more than $89,010 a year to a low of less than $51,570 a year. Wages vary depending on geographic location, employer, and years of experience. Benefits include paid vacations, sick leave, and pension plans.

Nuclear pharmacists education:
Radiopharmaceutical training is important for nuclear pharmacists, as is instruction concerning the safe handling of radioactive materials. Few pharmacy schools offer nuclear pharmacy courses. Licensed pharmacists may go on to receive training in nuclear pharmacy after completion of a more general pharmacy qualification. As the technology becomes more advanced, and as applications for nuclear pharmacy continue to increase, so will career opportunities. Many nuclear pharmacists are specializing in the growing area of PET (Positron Emission Tomography) practice.
Nuclear pharmacy technician: Using a lead-shielded hood, mixes and dispenses radioactive materials for use in nuclear medicine procedures; prepares and maintains documentation associated with completed orders; transcribes labels for radiopharmaceutical orders; consults with the nuclear pharmacist as needed.