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Employee Drug Testing

American Workers have to prove their abstinence from illegal drugs. This procedure came to be known as employee drug testing. Many employers require that drug testing be performed before you begin work. Drug testing is usually done by means of a urine sample. Some prescription drugs and vitamins may interfere with the urine test result, so you will be asked to list prescription and nonprescription medications you are taking. There are even some foods and nutritional supplements that produce the same metabolites as illegal drugs.
For instance, after consuming poppy seeds, people have morphine metabolites in their urine. After consuming hemp oil products, people have THC metabolites in their urine. Neither of these products produces a drug effect, regardless of how much is consumed. But because they contain very low concentrations of the drugs that are present in heroin and marijuana, they can result in a positive drug test.

Drug Testing
Collection of the urine specimen is generally monitored to prevent tampering. There seems to be no limit to the imaginative methods used by some drug users to avoid detection. Some agencies check the temperature of the urine immediately after the specimen is obtained, as a further safeguard. Some facilities will not allow you to take personal items into the bathroom when providing the specimen. Access to water may also be limited, because it is possible to dilute a sample. Dilution and adulteration-two common ways in which drug users seek to sabotage drug test result. In addition, workers have been known to substitute a borrowed drug-negative urine sample for their own, something that is extremely difficult to prevent unless workers are directly observed during urination.
Many workers find the urine collection process itself to be degrading and demeaning, particularly when it involves direct observation. Some workers facing drug testing have widely complained about the violation of privacy.