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Diver Medic Courses

There is a requirement that at least one member of a dive team who is not diving, other than the supervisor, should be trained in advanced first aid – this person is generally referred to as a ‘diver medic’. IMCA Approved Courses provide participants with the skills, knowledge and the confidence to administer the Life Support techniques effectively and safely.
Diver Medic Courses
Aims of First Aid: to preserve life, limit worsening of the condition, promote recovery.
IMCA-Recognized certificates will be issued to students who meet the following criteria:
-The student must hold an offshore qualification in diving. This can be an LSS, LST, Diving Supervisor, or Diver qualification recognized by IMCA (which is at an offshore grade).
-The student must hold a valid diving medical as suitable to go under pressure in a chamber.
Effective incident management and communication skills are emphasised during the course: Airway management, Shock management, Respiratory and Cardiac arrest, Care of casualties on site and during Transportation, Wound management, Diving Accidents, Use of Medical, Equipment taken to Remote Sites, Care and Treatment of the patient in the Hyperbaric Environment, Oxygen Administration, Medical Record keeping, Intravenous Infusion, Liaison with Medical Services.

DMT Approved Training Facilities:
Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber, PO Box 5069, Avalon, California 90704-5069,
(310) 510-0811
10 La Selva Court, Monterey, California 93940, (408) 373-2094
National University
5245 Pacific Concourse Drive, Suite 134, Los Angeles, CA 90045,
(310) 816-5700
Santa Barbara City College
721 Cliff Drive, Santa Barbara, California 93109-2394,
(805) 965-0581
Commercial Diving Academy
8137 N. Main Street, Jacksonville, FL 32208,
(904) 766-7736
Naval Diving & Salvage Training
Panama City, Florida 32407, (850) 636-6176
NOAA Undersea Research Center / Aquarius
515 Caribbean Drive, Key Largo, FL 33037, (305) 451-0233 ext. 207
Pharma-Safe Industries
300 Adams Street, Franklin, Louisiana 70538
(800) 364-9709
West Jefferson Medical Center
1101 Medical Center Boulevard, Marrero, LA 70072
(504) 349-6688
North Carolina
Divers Alert Network
6 West Colony Place, Durham, North Carolina 27705
(919) 684-2948
Poseidon International
108 Silver Lace Lane, Round Rock, TX 78664
(512) 924-4266
Prime Time Training
358 Abington Circle, Hampton VA 23669
NOAA Diving Center
7600 Sand Point Way, Seattle, Washington 98115
(206) 526-6705
Cornerstone Chamber & Clinic
5446 South Pennsylviania Avenue, Cudahy, WI 53110
(414) 747-1693